CRISPR is an immune system used by bacteria to fight infections. The system can identify and destroy DNA fragments of bacteriophages which are similar to others that have infected the bacteria in previous occasions. This system has been adapted and used by scientist to edit the DNA sequence of the various organism since 2013. In fact, in 2017, the Chinese scientist He Jiankui used CRISPR to alter the DNA of two twins so that they would not suffer AIDS. Conversely, CRISPR has other uses beyond altering genetic material. The SHERLOCK CRISPR diagnostic tool uses the search function of CRISPR to identify a particular DNA or RNA sequence associated to a certain pathogen. Thus, it can be used for infectious disease diagnosis. In addition, it can also be used to diagnose genetic disease. These are some of the potential uses of SHERLOCK diagnosis kit: Rapid detection of pneumonia pathogens (viral and bacterial) in one assay ...